Biography KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya Staquf)

1.  Life and Family History KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf

1.1  Birth

2.  Sanad of Science and Education KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf

2.1  The Study Journey KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf
2.1  Teachers of KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf

3.  Service and Career KH. Yahya Cholil Staff

3.1  Services of KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf
3.2  Careers KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf

4.  Exemplary KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf

4.1  Maintaining Peace at the Grassroots Level
4.2  Actively Vote for World Peace

5.  Chart of Sanad

6.  References


1. Life and Family History

1.1 Birth

KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf is a scholar from Rembang, Central Java. He was born on February 16, 1966. KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf is a Nahdlatul Ulama figure. He has served as Katib Aam Syuriah PBNU for the 2015-2020 Solemnity. And now he currently serves as General Chair of PBNU (Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama)  for the 2021-2026 Solemnity. His father is an NU figure and one of the founders of the Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB), KH. Muhammad Cholil Bisri. Her mother’s name is Muchishnah. KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf is also the nephew of the caretaker of Pesantren Raudlatut Thalibin, Rembang KH. Mustofa Bisri or better known as Gus Mus.

2. Sanad of Science and Education KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf

2.1 The Study Journey KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf

Raised in the pesantren environment, KH Yahya Cholil Staquf since childhood received formal education at the Pesantren  Roudlotul Tholibin, Rembang. He got abundant religious knowledge from his father and also his uncle. Not only that, this man who was born on February 16, 1966 also studied at the Pesantren Al-Munawwir Krapyak under the guidance of KH. Ali Maksum in Krapyak, Yogyakarta, while studying at the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

Raised from a strong Nahdilyin culture and pesantren life, KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf was also a caregiver at the Pesantren Raudlatut Tholibin, Rembang, Central Java.

2.2 Teachers of KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf

  1. KH. Muhammad Cholil Bisri
  2. KH. Mustofa Bisri or Gus Mus
  3. KH. Ali Maksum
  4. KH Abdurahman Wahid or Gus Dur

3. Service and Career KH. Yahya Cholil Staff

3.1 Services of KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf:

  1. KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf was also entrusted with being a policy formulation expert at the “Executive Council of Religions in the United States of America – Indonesia” which was established based on a bilateral agreement signed by President Obama and President Jokowi in October 2015, in order to “establish a strategic partnership between the United States and Indonesia.
  2. KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf once attracted public attention when he attended an event invitation from the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and gave a speech on religious conflict resolution there.
  3. 3. KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf was also involved in the drafting of the Nahdlatul Ulama ISOMIL declaration text (2016); global unity forum declaration (2016); the Ansor declaration of the youth movement on Islamic humanity (2017); and finally Manifesto Nusantara (2018).
  4. KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf is also known for continuing what Gus Dur often did by holding meetings with Jewish community figures or events for Israeli-Palestinian peace.
  5. KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf is also the envoy of GP Anshor and PKB for political networks spread across Europe and the world, Centrist Democrat International (CD) and European People’s Party (EPP).

3.2. Careers KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf after learning from Yogyakarta are:

  1. Being a caretaker for the Pesantren Raudlatut Tholibin  in Rembang
  2. Spokesperson for the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur.
  3. Becoming Head of Chief of Staff of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board for the 2015-2020 service period
  4. Became a member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) in 2018-2019, to replace the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figure who died in 2017, KH. Hasyim Muzadi
  5. Became one of the initiators of the founding of a religious institute in California, United States of America, named Bayt Ar-Rahmah Li adDa’wa Al-Islamiyah rahmatan Lil Al-alamin which studied Islam for peace and the grace of nature in 2014.
  6. General Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board for the Period 2021-2026
  7. KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf is ranked 19th in the 2023 list of the 500 most influential Muslim figures in the world released by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center (RISSC)

4. Exemplary KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf

4.1 Maintaining Peace at the Grassroots Level

In mid-2018, KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf made a bold decision to visit Israel. Not only visiting, Yahya also met with Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, and was a speaker at the American Jewish Committee (AJC) forum in Israel.

He was showered with criticism at home, but Gus Yahya didn’t budge. “My efforts are to invite or strengthen the peace movement at the grassroots level in society to become a social consensus. Everyone wants peace,” said Gus Yahya.

4.2 Actively Vote for World Peace

Gus Yahya is known to actively voice messages of world peace. He often does this during his visits to a number of countries, both in Europe and the Middle East. He embodied this message of peace by establishing a religious institute in the United States called Bayt ar-Rahmah li ad-Da’wa al-Islamiyyah Rahmatan li al-‘Alamin (House of Divine Mercy to Reveal and Preserve Islam as a Blessing to All Creation ).

5. Chart of Sanad

The following is a genealogy chart for teacher KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya Staquf) can be seen HERE

6. References
