Biography of KH. Wahid Hasyim

List of  Contents profile KH. Wahid Hasyim

1.        Life and Family History
1.1      Born
1.2      Passed Away
1.3      Family History

2.       Sanad Knowledge and Education
2.1     Navigating  Knowledge Since Young
2.2     His Masters

3.       His Merits and Works
3.1     His Merits
3.1.1     Gait in Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and the State
Become the General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU)
Become Minister of State and Minister of Religion
BPUPKI Young Leaders
KH. Wahid Hasyim’s Thought
His Works

4.        Lesson learn Stories
4.1      Thoughts on Character Education Perspective KH. Wahid Hasyim with Current Conditions
4.2      Keep Fasting Even When Attending the Reception

5.        Reference

1.1    Born

KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim is the first of 15 children of the couple KH.Hasyim Asyari with Nyai Nafiqah bin Kyai Ilyas. Wahid Hasyim was born in Jombang, on Friday, Rabiul Awwal 1333 H, or June 1, 1914 AD, when his house was busy with recitations.

The genealogy of KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim from this father’s path continued until Joko Tingkir. His ancestral lineage started from KH. Hasyim Asyari, the son of Halimah, the son of Layyinah, the son of Sihah, the son of Abdul Jabar, the son of Ahmad, the son of Prince Sambo, the son of Prince Benowo, the son of Joko Tingkir (Mas Karebet), the son of Prabu Brawijaya V (Lembupeteng). Meanwhile, from the mother’s side, the genealogy was met at the Sultan of Brawijaya V.

he fifteen sons and daughters of KH. Hasyim Asy’ari and Nyai Nafiqah bin Kyai Ilyas include Abdul Wahid Hasyim, Muh ammad Ya’kub, Khoiriyah, Ubaidillah, Mashurroh, Abdul Hakim, Abdul Qodir, Azzah, Muhammad Yusuf, Chotijah, Abdul Karim, Fatimah, Aisyah, Hannah, and Abdullah

1.2    Passed Away

April 19, 1953 was a day of mourning. It was Saturday, April 18, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim intends to go to Sumedang to attend a Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) meeting. Driving his Chevrolet. At that time, Wahid Hasyim was sitting in the back seat with Argo Sutjipto and his eldest son, Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil.

At that time, it was raining around the Cimahi and Bandung areas. Traffic on Jalan Cimindi, an area between Cimahi-Bandung, is quite busy. Around 13.00, when entering Cimindi, the car that KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim had a tire slip and the driver could not control the vehicle. Behind the fateful Chevrolet was a convoy of cars. Meanwhile, from the front, a speeding truck was forced to stop when it saw a car zigzagging because it skidded from the opposite direction.

Because the Chevrolet car was going quite fast, the back of it hit the truck body hard. When there was a collision, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim and Argo Sutjipto were thrown under a stopped truck. Both were seriously injured. KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was injured in the forehead, eyes and cheeks and neck. Meanwhile, the driver and Abdurrahman were not injured in the slightest. While the car only damaged the back.

The location of the accident is a bit far from the city. Therefore the rescue effort came too late. At 16.00, an ambulance arrived to transport the victim to Boromeus Hospital in Bandung.

While waiting for the ambulance, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim and Argo Sutjipto were unconscious, even when they arrived at the hospital, they were both still unconscious. Until 10.30 WIB on Sunday, April 19, 1953, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was called into the presence of Allah SWT, at the age of 39 years. After a few hours later, at 18.00 WIB, Argo Sutjipto followed up to face the Creator.

After KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim passed away, then based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 206 of 1964 dated August 24, 1964, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was designated as a Hero of National Independence, because he remembered his services as a leader of Indonesia, who during his life fought for the independence of the homeland and nation.

1.3    Family History

KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim ended his single life at the age of about 25 by marrying a 15 year old girl, namely Solichah bint KH. Bisyri Syamsuri is a founder and leader of the Denanyar Islamic Boarding School, Jombang and one of the founders of Nahdlatul Ulama and has also been the Rais Aam of PBNU.

From this marriage KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was blessed with six sons and daughters, including Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil (former President of the Republic of Indonesia), Aisyah (Chairman of PP Muslimat NU, 1995-2000), Salahudin al-Ayyubi (Engineer graduated from ITB and caretaker of PP. Tebuireng Jombang, after KH. Yusuf Hasyim), Umar Al-Faruq (a doctor graduated from UI), Lily Khadijah and Muhammad Hasyim.

2.1     Navigating Knowledge Since Young

Little KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim is a child who has advantages with a very intelligent brain. At the age of seven years, he has completed the Qur’an. He studied the Qor’an directly from his father (KH. Hasyim Asyari).

Stepping into adulthood, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim started his education by studying at the Salafiyah Madrasah at the pesantren Tebuireng. At the age of 12, or after graduating from madrasah, he was asked by his father to help teach his younger siblings and children.

As the son of KH Hasyim Asyari, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim never received an education at the Dutch East Indies government school. He is mostly self-taught. In addition to studying at the madrasah, he also studied many books and books in Arabic by himself.

KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim studied Arabic poetry and memorized it by heart, in addition to mastering the meaning well. At the age of 13, he continued his education at Pondok Siwalan, Panji, an old pesantren in Sidoarjo.

But sadly, he only lasted one month. From Siwalan moved to pesantren Lirboyo, Kediri. Again he was in this pesantren, staying in a very short time, only a few days.

By changing huts and studying in just a matter of days, it was as if what KH Wahid Hasyim needed. He is only need a blessing from the teacher, not his knowledge. Regarding science, he thought, it could be learned anywhere and in any way. But the matter of obtaining blessings, is another matter, must be related to the kiai or the great Islamic master. This seems to be the main consideration of Wahid Hasyim at that time.

After returning from Lirboyo, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim did not continue his studies at another pesantren, but chose to stay at home. Because, according to his father, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim can decide for himself how to study.

And sure enough, while he was at home his enthusiasm for learning never went out, especially self-taught. Although he did not attend a public education institution owned by the Dutch East Indies government, at the age of 15 he was already familiar with Latin letters and mastered English and Dutch. Both foreign languages ​​are learned by reading magazines obtained from within the country or sent from abroad.

In 1932, when he was 18 years old, he returned to continue his education to Mecca, in addition to fulfilling the fifth pillar of Islam as well as to deepen various branches of religious knowledge. He was accompanied by his cousin, Muhammad Ilyas, who later became Minister of Religion. Muhammad Ilyas has a great service in guiding KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim so that he grew up to be a smart teenager. Muhammad Ilyas is known to be fluent in Arabic, and it was he who taught KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim Arabic.

In the holy land he studied for two years. With this educational experience, he appears to be a person who has mature intellectual talent. He mastered three foreign languages, namely Arabic, English and Dutch. Armed with the ability of these three languages, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim can study various books from these three languages.

Self-taught by KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim had a significant influence on his practice and work in education and teaching, especially in pesantren as well as in politics.

After returning from Mecca, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim felt the need to put his knowledge into practice by modernizing it, both in the social, religious, educational and political fields.

At the age of 24 years (1938), KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim began to enter the world of politics. Together with his friends, he was intensive in providing political education, renewal of thoughts and direction on the need to fight the invaders. For him, reform can only be effective if the Indonesian people are free from colonialism.

2.2    His Masters

  1. KH. Hasyim Asyari (His own father)
  2. KH. Abdul Karim (Lirboyo)

3.1     His Merits

3.1.1 Gait in Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and the State

In 1938 KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim devoted much of his time to NU activities. KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was appointed as secretary to the management of the Tebuireng Branch, then became a member of the board of the Jombang Branch. Then for the next KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was elected as a member of the NU Executive Board in the Surabaya area. From here his career continued to increase until Ma’arif NU in 1938.

After NU turned into a political party, he was elected as chairman of the NU Political Bureau in 1950. Among the pesantren, Nahdlatul Ulama tried to enter a new trace together with other modern social organizations, such as Muhammadiyah, NU also formed a political federation called Majelis Islam A Indonesia (MIAI) is driven more by the guilt of Muslims after seeing the strong political consolidation of the nationalists. In 1939, when MIAI held a conference, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was elected as chairman. A year later he resigned.

KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim also spearheaded the establishment of the Islamic Propaganda Agency (BPI), whose members are cadres to be skilled and proficient in public speaking. In addition, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim also developed education among Muslims.

In 1944 he founded the high  Islamic institute in Jakarta, the caretaker of which was handled by KH. A Kahar Mudzakir. The following year, 1945, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim is active in politics and started his career as chairman of the Shura Council (Masyumi Party Council). The general chairman is his own father. While the chairman I and chairman II respectively Ki Bagus Hadikusumo and Mr. Kasman Singodimejo.

3.1.2.  Become the General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU)

When the 19th Congress in Palembang KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was nominated as General Chair, but he rejected it, and suggested that KH. Masykur occupies the position of General Chairperson. Then on the refusal of KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim to occupy the position of General Chair, then elected KH. Masykur became the General Chair of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board.

However, since KH. Masykur was appointed Minister of Religion in the Ali Arifin Cabinet, so NU deactivated KH. Masykur as the general chairman, and thus KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was appointed as the General Chair.

Besides being the General Chair of PBNU, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim served as Shumubucho (Head of the Central Religion Office) which was a compensation for Japan, which at that time felt its position was getting more pressing and felt that it was a wrong step to deal with Muslims.

Originally Shumubucho was a compensation given to KH. Hasyim Asyari, considering that he is old and he has to take care of a boarding school so it is impossible to go back and forth from Jakarta to Jombang. Because of this condition, he proposed that the task as Shumubucho be handed over to KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim, his son.

3.1.3. Become Minister of State and Minister of Religion

In the first cabinet formed by President Soekarno in September 1945, Wahid Hasyim was appointed Minister of State. Four years later, on December 20, 1949, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim was reappointed as Minister of Religion in the Hatta Cabinet. Then, during the Natsir Cabinet and Sukiman Cabinet, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim continues to hold the post of Minister of Religion.

On the other hand, in the Syahrir Cabinet in 1946, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim became one of its members representing Masyumi and increased to become a member of BPKNIP.

During his tenure as Minister of Religion, he has established several programs, including:

Established Jam’iyah al-Qurra’ wa al-Huffazh (Organization of Qur’an reciters and memorizers) in Jakarta

Establishing the duties of the Ministry of Religion through Government Regulation no. 8 year 1950

Formulating the basics of Indonesian Hajj Travel regulations

Approved the establishment of the State Islamic Higher Education (PTAIN) in the ministry of religion.

In 1952 KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim initiated the establishment of the Indonesian Muslim League, a federation whose members consisted of representatives from NU, the Indonesian Islamic Syarikat Party (PSII), Persatuan Tarbiyah Islamiyah (Perti) and Darul Da’wah wa al-Irsyad. The composition of the management is KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim as chairman, Abikusno Cokrosuyoso as deputy chairman I, and H. Sirajuddin Abbas as deputy chairman II.

3.1.4. BPUPKI Young Leaders

KH career. Abdul Wahid Hasyim in the national political stage continues to soar. At a young age, he held several positions. Among them when Japan formed a body tasked with investigating efforts to prepare for independence or known as BPUPKI. KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim is one of the youngest members after BPH. Of the 62 people present, at that time, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim is still 33 years old.

3.1.5. KH Wahid Hasyim’s Thought

As a student, the main focus of KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim is improving the quality of Muslim resources. Efforts to improve the quality according to KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim, carried out through education, especially pesantren education.

For the education of pesantren,KH. Wahid Hasyim contributed his thoughts to make changes. There are many changes in the pesantren world that must be done. Starting from the objectives to the teaching method. In making changes to the pesantren education system, he made careful planning. he did Describe the goal clearly

Describe how to achieve that goal,Provide confidence and means, that the goal can be achieved.

At first, the purpose of Islamic education, especially in the pesantren environment, was more concentrated on ukhrawiyah (hereafter) affairs, almost detached from worldly (world) affairs. In this way, Islamic boarding schools are dominated by subjects related to fiqh, Sufism, sacred rituals and so on. Even though he never received modern education, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim is well known. This insight is then applied in social and educational activities.

The development of madrasah education in Indonesia in the early 20th century was a manifestation of the efforts made by Muslim scholars, including Wahid Hasyim KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim, who saw that Islamic educational institutions (pesantren) in some ways were no longer in accordance with the demands and developments of the times. What did KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim is a new innovation for pesantren education.

At that time, general lessons were still considered taboo for pesantren because they were synonymous with colonialism. The hatred of the pesantren towards the invaders made the pesantren forbid everything related to it, such as wearing pantolans, ties and hats, and in the broad context of general knowledge. In teaching methods, after returning from Mecca to study, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim proposed a change in teaching methods to his father.

The proposal, among other things, is that the bandongan system be replaced with a systematic tutorial system, with the aim of developing in a class that uses this method, students only come to listen, write notes, and memorize the subjects that have been given, there is no opportunity to ask questions or discuss.

In short, according to KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim, the bandongan method will create certainty in the students. Changes in teaching methods are also offset by establishing a library. This is an extraordinary progress that occurred in the pesantren at that time. With this, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim expects a dialogical teaching and learning process to occur. Where the position of the teacher is no longer the only source of learning.

3.2     His works

KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim is a fairly prolific writer. Although he has not written a book, he has written various articles concerning religious, educational and socio-political issues. His writings have been published in various magazines and newspapers. In general, the writings of KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim can be classified into four, namely education, politics, administration of the department of religion, and religion.

In the field of education, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim paid attention to educational reform, such as education for children, development of language skills, religious education, including the establishment of religious colleges, and the need to use ratios to solve contemporary problems.

With regard to language development, KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim tried to foster a sense of nationality by encouraging the nation’s children to use the Indonesian language. in his article “Language progress means the progress of the nation”, he invites the Indonesian people to use their language in everyday conversation. KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim wrote an article entitled “Abdullah Oeybayd as an Educator”. In his article, he explains how best to educate a child. And his observations of Abdullah Oeybayd in educating children, he said that children should be trained from an early age to use all their abilities. It is very important to get them used to relying on and knowing their own abilities. Thus, children will grow up confident and not easy

“Prophet Muhammad and the Brotherhood of Man”. This work was his speech at the opening ceremony of the Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday celebration which was held at the State Palace in Jakarta, on January 2, 1950, and was the first birthday celebration after the transfer of sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

“Revival of the Islamic World”. This work is his writing in the media of the religious pulpit edition No. March 3-4 April 1951.

“Religiously and remember the greatness of God”. This work is a kind of speech for the celebration of Eid al-Fitr when at that time Indonesia was still forming the Union or RIS (Republic of United Indonesia).

“Festival as a measure of the progress of the Ummah”. This work is included in the Nahdlatul Ulama News, No. 3, Th. 7th December 1937, pp. 2-5.

“The Meaning and Contents of al-Fatihah”. This work is included in the Nahdlatul Ulama News, No. 14, Th. VII, May 15, 1938, pp. 1-3.

“Islam is the Religion of Fitrah (Basic Humanity)”. In Suara Muslimin Indonesia, No. 7, Th. II, April 1944, pp. 2-4.

“Hungry Exercise is the Happiness of Peaceful Life”. In the Broadcasting of the Ministry of Religion No. 4, 1309, pp. 3-4.

“Political Developments during the Japanese Occupation and Political Notes” (November 1945).

4.1    Thoughts on Character Education Perspective KH. Wahid Hasyim with Current Conditions

In the previous description, it is known that in the character education thinking, KH. Wahid Hasyim has eight values, namely: Religious, Tolerance, Independent, Democratic, National Spirit, Love of the Homeland, Friendly / Communicative, Love to Read. Of the eight values, the approach taken by KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim uses value planting.

The value inculcation approach tries to emphasize the inculcation of social values ​​in students. Like what was done by KH. Wahid Hasyim who tried to set an example for his students. So the strategy used by KH is more suitable. Abdul Wahid Hasyim in instilling the value of character education is to use an exemplary value strategy.

4.2    Keep Fasting Even though Attending the Reception

It can be seen from the statement and testimony of KH. Syaifuddin Zuhri that the figure of KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim is an educator who can provide a good role model, and pay great attention to foster children. As a religious educator KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim also gave an example of how he lived a simple life even though he was a minister. This was said by his son Umar Wahid:

On days where fasting is forbidden. But that didn’t affect his activities. His mother told him  that if there was a reception in the afternoon, she was ordered by him (KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim) to take a little food.

So, He took a little and Mother did. After Mother finished eating, then Father without anyone’s know exchanged his plate which was still intact with Mother’s plate which was empty. Then the food that was on the plate was eaten by Mother as well. People do not think that fasting.

Short biography of  KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim from thr book ”99 Kiai Kharismatik Indonesia”  wrriten by KH. A. Aziz Masyhuri, published by Kutub, Yogyakarta.